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What Does a Blown Head Gasket Mean?

HG-1-Box-PNGIf a blown head gasket sounds bad to you, that’s because it is. A blown head gasket is one of the more troublesome and expensive engine problems you can face. Replacing a blown head gasket takes hours of work and high costs in parts and labor. Additionally, by the time your head gasket has blown, you might also have done other damage to your engine.

At Bar’s Leaks, we specialize in products that are proven to stop and repair cylinder head gasket leaks. With 69 years of experience, we are so confident in our products that we offer a lifetime guarantee on our HG-1 Blown Head Gasket Repair product. A blown head gasket may sound scary, but we have the solution!


What Happens

To understand exactly what having a blown head gasket means, you have to understand a little bit about how an internal combustion engine is designed. There are three major parts:

  • The block: This is the large base of your engine, bolted to the frame, and it’s where the pistons are. When in operation, the movement of the pistons creates a lot of friction, heat and stress, which requires cooling by way of engine coolant channels built into the block itself and oil.
  • The head: This is the top part of your engine, and it’s bolted to the block. It’s in the head that the actual combustion of the gas and air mixture occurs, which creates extreme heat and stress. The head will expand and contract at a different rate than your engine block, creating even more stresses.
  • The head gasket: This is the thin metallic gasket that is sandwiched between the block and the head. It is there to keep the coolant, oil and combusted gas sealed in their respective chambers and galleries. The massive thermal and mechanical stresses your engine exerts are very hard on the head gasket.

Even in normal operating conditions, the head gasket has to resist many different stresses, such as:

  • Pressure: Your coolant, oil and combustion circuits all exert pressure on the cylinder head gasket. While the head gasket is designed to withstand these pressures, over time, it can start to break down.
  • Thermal: The heat generated by your engine causes the block and head to expand and contract. The different rates of thermal expansion can work the head gasket in different directions.
  • Vibration: Years of vibration of your car and engine can create small cracks in the cylinder head gasket. While small cracks may not leak, over time, they get bigger and can result in a failed gasket.

Once these stresses have started damaging the head gasket, it’s only a matter of time before it starts to leak. At the earliest sign of a head gasket problem, consider using Bar’s Leak HG-1 Blown Head Gasket Repair. It’s our guaranteed solution for your mild to moderate cylinder head gasket leak. Find out how Bar’s Leaks has earned the reputation as a top-quality product you can count on for years. Get more life out of your engine and avoid costly cylinder head gasket repairs that can run into the thousands of dollars with Bar’s Leaks!