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How to Fix Engine Block Cracks and Leaks

A leak or crack in your engine block can lead to a messy, intimidating affair. You’re probably thinking about the complexity and cost involved in repairing or replacing your engine and how you’ll have to live without your vehicle for an extended period. Thankfully, there’s a better way to fix engine block cracks and leaks. With Bar’s Leaks, you can take care of leaks without physically replacing any components. Catching the problem before it becomes too severe is key.

We have specially formulated our products to address the source of leaks and stop them, permanently. Your engine block can leak for different reasons, including:

  • Cracks and damage due to wear, overheating or an accident
  • Leaks between the block and head because of a blown head gasket
  • Oil and coolant leaks because of worn or broken seals and gaskets

When you have an engine oil or coolant leak in your engine block, you don’t care where it is — you want it fixed! With one application of our engine repair products, you can seal all types of leaks and get back on the road. The cost of repairing or overhauling the engine in an older vehicle might mean that it has to be scrapped, even if there are many miles left on the transmission and body. Choosing to repair your engine block crack with the help of Bar’s Leaks means you can keep your old car on the road for many more years. We’ve done it for millions of customers.

Choose from our range of Block and Head Gasket formulations, designed to work fast to seal any type of engine leak. You can also check out our Engine Stop Leak and Repair products, designed to correct many common engine leak and performance issues. Don’t let an engine block crack or fluid leak get you down. Turn to one of the biggest names in safe, fast, affordable and reliable engine leak repair: Bar’s Leaks. We’ve been doing this for over 70 years, including OEM, motorsports and military applications.

You can find our products in a store near you — simply search using our online locator with your zip code. You’ll see how easy it is to take care of troublesome engine block cracks, stop a variety of common fluid leaks and get back to enjoying your vehicle for many more trouble-free miles.

However – we know these issues are complex and can be intimidating. If you have questions about your engine block crack or leak problem, we can help. Hit us up on Facebook, or simply contact us and we’ll have someone get back to you right away.